Let's Hit the Ice!!, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Sep 08, 2024 | Jeff Peck | 1433 views
Let's Hit the Ice!!
Frontenac Families,

It is great to be back on the ice!!  The intent of this email is give all of our families information so they can start planning the year.  For returning families, our programming remains the same as previous years.  For our new(er) families, there are lots of moving pieces the first two weeks as team building and scheduling occurs.  Be patient.  We will be in a groove by October!

The job of FMH is to provide outstanding youth hockey programming to our kids. Do not hesitate to reach out to your coaches or Board if you have any questions.  

Jeff Peck
President & Ice Scheduler,Frontenac Minor Hockey

All scheduling can be found here:
Once October hits our schedule will be locked down.  Please be patient in September as we get the season started.  Lots of moving pieces.
Kelsey Shulist (IP Coordinator) will be sending emails directly to all of our U7 families.  You are the future of FMH future.  Welcome!
If you have any questions, please contact Kelsey at [email protected]
Here is the plan for LL.  It is the same plan as previous years:
Week 1 - 14-20 Sep  - Shake the Rust
Week 2 - 21-27 Sep - Team Building
Week 3 & 4 - 28 Sep - 11 Oct - Pre-Season
Week 5 - 12 Oct - Reg Season
Local League Team Construction
Our goal is to always balance our local league teams.  Over the years we have developed the following procedure:
1 - On 21 Sept all Local League players are evaluated by a group or coaches/executive & parents
2 - On the day of evaluations the teams are made.  Factors considered include skill, age (major/minor), coaches, goalies, and roster size.
3 - Initial rosters are made by the Board.  The Local League coaches are part of the process.  Coaches have an opportunity to make adjustments
4 - The following week (23/24 Sept) the Local League teams scrimmage to ensure they are equal.  Coaches are given an opportunity to make adjustments
Parent Requests - No parent requests will be accepted this year.  We have tried to accommodate previously, but last year was unmanageable.  Every family has preferences and special circumstances.
LL Season Schedule
The LL Scheduling Meetings will occur the first week of Oct.  The season dates will be post thanksgiving to first weekend in March
LL Development
Similar to previous years we will have development coaches coming out once a month to run development sessions for all teams.  This year Kevin Druce, John Boultbee, and Dave McMullin will be hitting the ice with us.  These sessions are free of charge, and are paid for by fundraising that occurs throughout the year. 
This year FMH will try to run Select Programming at our U11 and U13 age Divisions.  The intent of Select is to give those interested players and families extra development. It is a secondary program.  Local League and Rep take priority.  These teams will only be run if there is enough player interest.  Late September, early October, upon completion of the LL Team Building, our Select Coaches will be sending emails to their respective age divisions to gauge interest
Select will involve a couple of practices a month, some extra games and additional tournaments.  Please note that similar to our Rep Programming, there will be extra costs associated (jerseys, ice, tournaments, refs etc)
Select Coordinator - Evan Bates <[email protected]>
U11 Coach - Randy Kempe
U13 Coach - Tom Westeondorp
Reach out to Evan if you have any questions
Rep Programming has started with Tryouts ongoing.  Rep Coaches are communicating directly with their respective Age Divisions
We have a great roster of coaches this year, all of whom are returning from previous seasons.  We still need volunteers at U8 (2-3), U9 (1-2) and U15 (1).  
Please contact Brent Hole if you are interested in being a head coach.  <[email protected]>
If you are interested in being on the bench this year, the Ontario Hockey Federation now requires that all VSC be centrally recorded.  This means that all bench staff MUST have a current VSC (or proof that you have applied for a VSC) on file with OHF.  Unfortunately, FMH can no longer organize this for you.  You must do it yourself.  If it is not complete you cannot be on the bench.  Here is a link that explains the 4 step process.  I will be at the rink all day 14 Sept.  Stop by and I can help you

FMH runs a really great program.  Unfortunately, with over 300 players/families there are always issues and personality conflicts that arise.  The enjoyment, health and safety of our players is our priority.  If there are ever any issues do not hesitate to reach out to your bench staff, or our SAFE-SPORT Coordinator - Crystal Brash 
Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience