As the Association wrapped up yet another successful year for the Frontenac Minor Hockey at our AGM, we were also pleased to present the awards and trophies to this years well deserved winners. The Jim Stinson awards are presented at the end of each season to one player from each ICHL division (Novice through Midget). It is given to the player nominated by their coach, who best exemplifies the true spirit of hockey; hard work, sportsmanship, leadership, commitment and having fun. This years winners were: Novice: Luke Reid Atom: Liam Blimkie Peewee: Jake Neumann Bantam: Chelsea Grundy Midget: Dylan Ubdegrove The Heart Award was presented by Edward Goodfellow in memory of his brother Joseph Goodfellow. The Heart Award is presented to a FMHA member who truly is generous with their time and efforts for the association for the pure love of the game and desire to help out! This years winner was our very honorable and deserving Debbie Donovan The SCOTT MUIR MEMORIAL AWARD is presented to a volunteer in the Atom division who exemplifies the spirit of hockey. This award again went to a hard working and dedicated individual, Dave Dobing Jamie Craig, Coach for the Flyers Novice Rep team and the 2017 Novice C EOMHL presented Al Pixley with the "Red Hat" At the end of the awards ceremony we jumped right into business. Al Pixley the President of FMHA gave a detailed update on last years season, where we currently stand and what is upcoming for next year and future years. FMH's treasurer, Debbie Donovan presented last years financials and budget going forth. The floor was then opened to any questions and comments and we heard from several attendees regarding the Select Program. Following the updates and comments we then moved to nominations for committee members. It was voted and we are pleased to announce that the 2017-2018 FMHA is as follows President Al Pixley Vice President Jon Ubdegrove Treasurer Debbie Donovan Coach Co-ordinator Don Rowat Registration Co-Ordinators Heather Hasler & Ally Dickson IP/Tyke Co-Ordinator Jeff Peck ICHL Co-Ordinator Brian Hole Equipment Manager Jim Steele OMHA Representative Don Rowat Development Co-Ordinator Gary Marino Secretary Amy Young-Perry Harassment Co-Ordinator Jon Ubdegrove Fundraising Reshelle Leonard Community Relations & Web Elizabeth Bigelow Ice Scheduler Al Pixley We thank all those that attended and those who have volunteered and continue to volunteer to make Frontenac Minor Hockey such a success for our youth. We always welcome new volunteers and would love to hear from you