Score Wars Peewee Champs, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Jan 11, 2018 | Liz Bigelow | 1485 views
Score Wars Peewee Champs
Frontenac Peewee Red team came back to win

Our Frontenac Red Peewee team won the A Champs during our annual Score Wars Holiday Tournament. 
In the final game, they were down 4-1 at the end of the 1st period but with a lot of hard work they came back with a 5-4 win over Kingston.
They played some great hockey with a lot of spirit. We like to call them the come back team as they always seem to be behind at the end of the 1st but then decide to get the lead out and come back strong. 
Super proud of them all.
The Peewee teal team also brought home the win for the B side 

Submitted by Melissa Vandewal

Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience