FMH October News, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Oct 17, 2018 | Liz Bigelow | 1595 views
FMH October News
Frontenac Minor Hockey Season October News & Updates

Flyers Hockey Season NEWS
Our hockey season is off to a great start. The Frontenac Community Arena is busy with practices throughout the week and action packed games on the weekends. From Learn to Skate, Tyke/IP to Midget - the goal of each level is to develop skilled young hockey players and encourage team play and sportsmanship.

FUNDRAISING - Frontenac Minor Hockey Association has many exciting changes and ideas and they are all made possible through fundraising, tournaments and events. Below please find some of our upcoming Fundraising Events and be sure to contribute and help support Minor Hockey
  • FRONTENAC HOCKEY RAFFLE TICKETS - Once again this year in addition to regular registration fees; Each family (not player) paid an additional $100 fundraising fee for raffle tickets during registration. In the near future, coaches will distribute 5 raffle tickets to the player that the $100 was added to during registration. Each ticket has a $20 value. You can then either sell the tickets for $20 each and reclaim your $100 fundraising fee or enter the 5 tickets yourself into the draw. There will be 5 draw dates beginning with 2 in December and then monthly through to March. Once tickets are distributed to families, the completed ticket stubs can be put into the grey locked box outside of the equipment room door. Please note - you can not purchase more tickets to sell.
  • Holiday Wreaths & Planters - We are once again pleased to have teamed up with CC Farms to offer our annual Holiday Wreath & Planters sales. These gorgeous, fresh, hand-made Wreaths & Planters are great for your home, as gifts, or to sell to family & friends. All orders are to be collected by your Team Managers and the team that sells the most wreaths (Dollar Amount) will win a team Pizza Party! Attached please find our Holiday Wreaths & Planters Flyer and Order Form. 
  • Orders are due to your team manager by Tuesday November 13th and wreaths & planters will be delivered to Frontenac Community Arena on Saturday December 1st. Visit our website, see our POSTER  and ORDER FORM or ask you team manager for more information.

  • TEAM FUNDRAISERS - Many of our teams will be hosting their own fundraising events so be sure to check Facebook & Twitter and our website and help spread the word.
FLYERS SEASON UNDERWAY Be sure to check our website Calendar for ALL games, practices and clinics. We strongly recommend Subscribing to your children(s) team calendar.  This allows for instant updates, cancellations or schedule modifications. For more information on how to subscribe to your team(s) calendar visit our Home Page on

DEVELOPMENT - Frontenac Minor Hockey takes pride in developing our young players. Once again this year we are excited to run practices with built-in Power Skating and Goalie Development lessons. Every 3 - 4 weeks during your regularly scheduled practices we will be providing Instructor led Power Skating & Goalie Development sessions which teaches the proper skating & development techniques to increase the players efficiency and effectiveness and become more powerful skaters and goaltenders.
WEBSITEOur website is always full of lots of information, updates and events. If you have any stories or information you would like us to share on our website or social networks please don't hesitate to email [email protected]
Looking forward to another great year! For any inquiries or information please visit our website
Thanks Everyone,

Elizabeth Bigelow
Frontenac Minor Hockey
Community Relations & Web Social Media