AGM Update, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Apr 22, 2022 | admin | 1066 views
AGM Update
Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM this week.  It was a great in-person and virtual turnout.  A couple of quick announcements:

1. Al Pixley:  Al Pixley has stepped down as president after over 8 years of leading FMH.  He leaves an incredible legacy.  This can be measured in many ways:

  • The Association is in a strong financial position despite weathering two years of Covid. 
  • The Association has developed an outstanding development program modelled by neighbouring centres.
  • Our kids have a bunch of fun!
  • we have a great volunteer base
While we are fortunate to have many wonderful volunteers, it is Al’s enthusiasm and initiative that has led the way!  Thank you to Nicole and Jack for sharing their Husband and Father.  In recognition of Al’s commitment to FMH we have created the Al Pixley award

2. Coaching Applications: A reminder that coaching applications are due 29 April.  If you know a parent or a non-parent that wants to get involved have them contact us!  We are always looking for great coaches for our athletes

3. Registration:  We anticipate registration will open up on 2 May.  This will allow for a monthly payment plan.  Please note that while we have had to raise fees we remain one of the most affordable programs in eastern Ontario.  Early registration is critical for us to plan the next season.  Help us Help you!
4. 2021/22 AWARD WINNERS
BRENT EDMUNDS MEMORIAL AWARD for FMH Top Official - Caleb Podgers
SCOTT MUIR MEMORIAL AWARD for an outstanding Atom Coach - Steve Hill & Adam Shibley
HEART AWARD given to a long standing volunteer- Jon Ubdegrove
JIM STINSON AWARD -  Awarded to one player from each House League division who best exwemplifies the true spirit of hockey - Hard work, Sportsmanship, Leadership, Commitment and Having Fun
U9 - Josh Bruce
U11 - Reece Menzies & Jacob Bruce
U13 - Harrison Kenward
U15 - Hannah Hearns
U18 -  Vann Thomas
AL PIXLEY AWARD  - Awarded to one player from each Representative Division who best exemplifies the true spirit of hockey - Hard work, Sportsmanship, Leadership, Commitment and Having Fun
U9 - Tanner Keeler
U11 - Harrison Shail
U13 - Evan Hole
U18 - Storm Hunter
5.  2022/23 Board of Directors





Jeff Peck


Al Pixley


Debbie Donovan


Kym Garrah


Heather Hasler


Ice Scheduler

Al Pixley

Coach Coordinator

Brent Hole


Jamie Seale & Don Rowat


Melissa Shibley

IP Coordinator

Kelsey Shulist

Development Coordinator

Jeff Ottenhof

Equipment Manager

Dale Sager

Webmaster and Social Media

Liz Bigelow & Kelsey Shulist

Dispute Resolution Coord

Crystal Brash

Treasurer 2

Christy Bruce

Registrar 2

Stephanie Thompson

Health and Saftey

Reshelle Leonard

Fundraising Coordinator

Reshelle Leonard

Referee in Chief

Willie Wilson

Past President

Al Pixley

See you on the ice
Jeff Peck
President - FMH

Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience