WELCOME to 2022/23 FRONTENAC HOCKEY, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Sep 05, 2022 | Jeff Peck | 681 views
Welcome back to #FRONETNACHOCKEY!!  We are super-excited to start the season.  There has been lots of background activity the last 2-3 months.  We are happy to report that our registration numbers are back to pre-covid numbers.  Amazing to see!! Here is some preliminary information to start your season and plan your fall.  Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions/concerns/comments.    Let’s continue to bring outstanding hockey programming to Frontenac!

See you at the rink
Jeff Peck- President - Frontenac Minor Hockey

The DRAFT Fall Schedule is now online.  Week 1 and Week 2 are set.  Week 3 and the remainder of the fall schedule is subject to change as we begin to confirm registration numbers, the number of teams, rostering and ice availability.  Until things get settled I would encourage that you visit the calendar regularly 
U7 Programming - Your first ice will be on Sunday 25 September at either 8am (IP2) or 9am (IP1). The remainder of your fall schedule is already posted (Fridays and Sundays). Our IP coordinator Kelsey Shulist will be contacting you in the coming days with additional information.  Contact Kelsey if you have any questions . <[email protected]>

U8/9-U18 Programming
Week 1 -  SHAKE THE RUST  - 17-23 Sept.   These are OPTIONAL sessions broken up by birth year and are designed for all players to shake the rust. 
Note:  All returning coaches please have your equipment in the car so you can be ready to help out on the ice!
Week 2 - REP TRYOUTS - 24-30 Sept.   There will be a registration table on Saturday 24 Sept.  A $80 Rep registration fee is required prior to stepping on the ice.  You can pay by cash or chq at your first session.
Week 3 - LOCAL LEAGUE (LL)  EVALUATIONS - 1-7 Oct.   LL Evaluations will take place on Saturday 1 Oct.  Following that session our evaluators will make DRAFT ROSTERS.  These teams will then play each other on either 3 or 4 Oct.  AT the end of these games, coaches will have an opportunity to make any tweaks to even out the teams
Note:  All returning coaches please have your equipment in the car so you can be ready to help out on the ice!
We are pumped to offer some outstanding development for our LL and Rep programs.  Working with us this year will be Darcy Greenaway, Kevin Druce, Max Proulx and Tyson Tiechmann.  These sessions are indicated as DEVELOPMENT on our on-line calendar
Checking Clinics.  These are mandatory for any U15/U18 player trying out for Rep.  These are scheduled for Saturday 17 Sep for 4-5 and 5-6 respectively 
Goalie Clinic.  We have scheduled Kevin Druce to come run some goalie clinics on Tuesday 22 September (6-9pm.)  These are free.  If you are interested in registering please contact our development coordinator Jeff Ottenhof at  <[email protected]>.  First come, first served.
We need Local League coaches and bench staff.  Many hands make light work. With a good team of parents, working on and off the ice, and we can provide our athletes a wonderful hockey experience.  If you are interested in helping please contact Brent Hole (Coach Coordinator) and/or Melissa Shibley(Local League Coordinator).
This year we are going to arrange for some of our “experienced" Managers/Coaches to help some of our “new” staff.  Simple tricks of the trade like iPads, booking tournaments, running the sound system etc.
We need your help.  We are looking for some tech savvy parents who want to get involved organizing our web and social media presence.  There is an opportunity to do some great things here, we just need some people with some know-how and time.  Please contact Jeff Peck if you are interested 
Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience