FMH UPDATE - 29 Sept 2022, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Sep 29, 2022 | Jeff Peck | 773 views
FMH UPDATE - 29 Sept 2022
Frontenac Families!

It has been an incredible start to the year!  In 2-3 short weeks we have had to organize registration, ice-times, development, initial skates, rep tryouts, local league evaluations, scheduling meetings, and order jerseys.  It is a perfect example of organized chaos.  I am so grateful for all our wonderful volunteers getting this done!  Here is an update to take us through the next couple of weeks until we move into our normal routine of games and practices.

See you at the rink!

1 - U13 Local League.  We currently have 4-6 too many players at U13 LL.  We are looking for experienced 2010 players to move up and play in U15 LL or inexperienced/smaller 2011 players to move down and play in U11 LL.  If you are interested in this opportunity please contact Jeff Peck ([email protected]) and/or Heather Hasler.
2 - Coaches.  Every year we struggle to find coaches and bench staff.  This year is no exception.  We need  people at U9 LL, U11 LL, U15 LL and U18 LL.  Please contact Brent Hole ([email protected]) if you are interested.  Or let our registration desk know on Saturday.  Coaching by committee is a good option and it is the only way we will guarantee kids will be on the same team

Local League evaluations start on Saturday 1 Oct.  Here is the process for how our LL teams are made:
Saturday 1 Oct - Players will come for their skates IAW the online calendar.  Evaluators will assess all players and initial rosters will be made.
 NOTE:  Please bring a jersey with a name or number to wear on Saturday!!!

Monday and Tuesday 3/4 Oct  - Players will come to the rink for evaluation games IAW online calendar.  Teams will be posted upon your arrival.  Jerseys will be issued.  Teams will play-off against each other to confirm they are even.  Coaches have the ability to make last minute tweaks
Once confirmed, rosters will be finalized and submitted to OMHA for approval
The FMH practice schedule is on the calendar out until Xmas.  The Rep game-scheduling meeting is 2 Oct with games starting around 14 Oct.  The LL game-scheduling meeting should be mid month with games starting around 21 Oct
Arlene will be back for team and individual pictures on 22-29 Oct.  More details to follow
Melissa Shibley our ICHL Rep (and super experienced manager) will be hosting a Coach and Manager meeting on Wednesday 5 Oct at 630.  This meeting is designed to help new coaches and managers run a team and provide our players with a great hockey experience.  This will include:
1 - How to find/book tournaments and hotels
2 - How to use game-sheets/iPads
3 - FMH merchandise options
4 - how to play music
5 - Scheduling
6 - Team Management
Please note that this year all bench staff are required to get a CPIC.  The OPP have created a very simple online request process.  Please follow this link.  There is a letter on our webpage that you will need for your online application.  It is free of charge if you check off the VOLUNTEER box online.  
FMH CPIC - Letter -
This year we have partnered with the Merchant Taphouse to celebrate a Frontenac Player of the Week.  Each week the Merchant has donated two tickets to the Friday night Kingston Frontenac Game.  We are looking for a volunteer in our U11 (or lower) age division to organize this opportunity.  Please let Jeff Peck know if you are interested
Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience