FMH Update - 7 Nov, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Nov 07, 2022 | Jeff Peck | 782 views
FMH Update - 7 Nov

What a crazy six weeks going from ice-in, to making teams, scheduling games and finally playing!  Thank you for your patience as your Board and Coaches frantically tried to tie up the loose ends. Here is your latest Flyer Update!

 Let’s have a great year!See you on the Ice

Jeff Peck

Every year all centres struggle to program youth hockey because of the shortage of referees and timekeepers. Thanks to the efforts of our Referee In Chief, Willie Wilson, game cancellations have been kept to a minimum at Frontenac. With that said one of the biggest reasons why we cannot recruit and retain refs is because of the bullying and harassment they experience while at the rink.  
Come to the games. Cheer for your team. Cheer when the opposing team makes a good play. IT IS NOT COOL OR ENTERTAINING TO YELL, AND/OR SWEAR AT THE REF.  We will be strictly enforcing both the FMH and the OMHA codes of conduct. This will include asking parents to leave the rink. Most of our refs are former or current Frontenac players. Many of them are  kids. They are going to make mistakes. That is alright
For those who insist on harassing our officials we will sign you up for the next referee clinic.
Regular season game and practice scheduling is complete. The Frontenac Calendar has been updated until end February. There will inevitably be some changes as we start dealing with weather days. I encourage everyone to subscribe to your calendar so you are kept up-to-date with any changes.  
I would like to thank all the coaches and managers (in addition to our ICHL and EOMHL Reps - Melissa Shibley and Jamie Seale) for spending hours scheduling games with other centres
Year end for ICHL will be 4-5 March.  Rep year end will depend on playoffs.
Once a month we have arranged for Darcy Greenaway (players) and Max Proulx/Tyson Tiechman (goalies) to come work with our U8-to-U15 LL teams.  
There are 5 sessions in total and they occur during your regular practice times. They are marked as DEVELOPMENT in the calendar.
Thanks to our Development Coordinator, Jeff Ottenhof for organizing
Frontenac needs goalies especially at our U11 and below Divisions. In addition to providing free equipment, and monthly development,  it was agreed that all full-time goalies will be reimbursed 50% of their registration fee early in the new year
Talk with your coaches and our development coordinator if you are interested to strap on the pads
As you will have seen from some of our Facebook posts, the Merchant Taphouse has graciously donated season tickets to the Kingston Frontenac. These tickets are available to all teams to recognize our FLYER MERCHANT TAPHOUSE PLAYER of the week.  If you know of a deserving player please let your coach know and we can make arrangements to get you some tickets
Flyer Merch is coming!  PROMOSMART will be at the rink on 12 and 13 November for sizing and orders.  Order forms can also be found on our website.  Get your orders in for Xmas
I want to give a huge shout out to our volunteer coaches this year.  Good coaches pave the way for a great season.  Please support them, offer to help!
Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience