Apr 19, 2023 | Jeff Peck | 785 views
Congrats 2022/23 FMH Award Winners
Congratulations to our 22/23 Award Winners this year
Joe Goodfellow Heart Award (Volunteer of the Year) - Don Rowat
Scott Muir Memorial Award (Coach of the Year) - Jim Steele
Edmunds Memorial Award (Ref of the Year) - Gabe Lalande
Mike Smith Award (Goalie of the Year) - Lucas Steele
Jim Stinson Award (HL Players of the Year by Division) - Heath Eeuwes, Liam Moore, Logan Ponte, Braydon Lapierre, Chase Webster, Tristan Cybulskie, Tristan Clow, Causten Wood, Connor Clow, Ryan Irving
Al Pixley Award (Rep Players of the Year by Division) - Bennett Gibson, Nolan Flemming, Carter Sager, Drake Thomas, Brett Cousins