Congrats 2022/23 FMH Award Winners, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Apr 19, 2023 | Jeff Peck | 765 views
Congrats 2022/23 FMH Award Winners
Congratulations to our 22/23 Award Winners this year

Joe Goodfellow Heart Award (Volunteer of the Year) - Don Rowat

Scott Muir Memorial Award (Coach of the Year) - Jim Steele

Edmunds Memorial Award (Ref of the Year) - Gabe Lalande

Mike Smith Award (Goalie of the Year) - Lucas Steele

Jim Stinson Award (HL Players of the Year by Division) - Heath Eeuwes, Liam Moore, Logan Ponte, Braydon Lapierre, Chase Webster, Tristan Cybulskie, Tristan Clow, Causten Wood, Connor Clow, Ryan Irving

Al Pixley Award (Rep Players of the Year by Division) - Bennett Gibson, Nolan Flemming, Carter Sager, Drake Thomas, Brett Cousins

Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience