Let's Play FRONTENAC HOCKEY!, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Jul 24, 2023 | Jeff Peck | 2197 views
Frontenac Families,

We hope you are enjoying your summer!  FMH is busy planning the year.  Here is some information for your planning purposes:

Jeff Peck
[email protected]
President & Ice Scheduler,

LOCAL LEAGUE FUN DAY, REP SHAKE THE RUST AND REP TRYOUT SCHEDULE (You must be registered to step on the ice)
We have been authorized to conduct earlier programming and have rented ice in Napanee.  This will include:

1 - U11-U18 Local League Fun Day - 19 August -  (for registered Local League Players (Not those trying out for Rep)) 
2 - U9-to-U18 Rep Shake the Rust Days - 21 Aug - to - 2 Sep

3 - Mandatory U15/18 Rep Checking Clinic and a U18 Local League Checking Clinic - 28 Aug

4 - Rep and Local League U11 and below and U13 and above Goalie Clinics - 29 Aug  (First Come, First Served.  Please contact our development coordinator Jeff Ottenhof ([email protected]) to reserve your spot)

5 - U9-to-U15 Rep Tryouts - 9-14 Sep  (Note:  U18 Tryouts will start the weekend of 16 Sept at the request of the Coach)

COSTS (This money can be e-transferred to [email protected])
1 - Local League FUN DAY  and Goalie Clinics- Free
2 - Rep Shake the Rust & Tryouts - $150 
3 - Rep Tryouts (no Shake the Rust) - $100 

FCA will open on 15 Sept.  Routine Frontenac Hockey Programming will start on Saturday 16 Sep.

Week 1 - 16-22 Sep - Local League - Shake the Rust
Week 2 - 23 Sep - Local League Evaluation Day, 25-26 Sep Local League Team Scrimmages

Schedule Details can be found here.  Lots of moving pieces the first month so please check regularly

Coaches are critical for our programming.  Without coaches we cannot play.   Please contact Brent Hole ([email protected]if you are interested in helping out on the ice.  We have openings in all age divisions

In the coming week(s) we will be sending all our members a survey.  This survey will cover many different areas such as coaching, programming, development, fees and communications.  It will provide us information that we will use when programming for the upcoming year

Please register ASAP.  It helps us plan the year (coaches, goalies, ice-scheduling etc).  On 31 Aug we may shut down registration for certain age groups. A $100 late registration fee will apply to any late registrations (for returning players)

Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience