Frontenac Families,
We are pleased again to offer year end development for all our Frontenac Players. Please note that while we have secured Tryout ice between 2-12 May, we have not yet been able to secure ice for SHAKE THE RUST skates in April, so these may be the only pre-Tryout skates we offer.
Please book ASAP. First Come, First Served. Last year these sessions filled up within 48hrs. Here are the Details:
U9 - U15+ PLAYER DEVELOPMENT with Darcy Greenaway, Dave McMullen and Frontenac Rep Coaches
Cost - $125 (5 x sessions)
Age Groups
U15 - 2012+ (This will include checking clinics)
U13 - 2013-2014
U11 - 2015-2016
U9 - 2017-2018
Registration - Please email Jeff Peck @ [email protected]. Please put your players name and birth year in the Subject Line of the email. No Payment is required at this time, but once you are registered you are on the hook for payment unless we can find a replacement on the waitlist. You will receive an email next week with payment instructions.
Dates: Please see specific times by age group on our website:
Mon 17 March
Fri 21 March
Sun 23 March
Mon 24 March
Sun 30 March
IP DEVELOPMENT with Frontenac Rep Coaches & Players
Age Group - 2019-2020
Cost - $75 (3 x sessions)
Registration - Please email Jeff Peck @
[email protected].
Please put your players name and birth year in the Subject Line of the email. No Payment is required at this time, but once you are registered you are on the hook for payment unless we can find a replacement on the waitlist. You will receive an email next week with payment instructions.
Dates - Sundays March 16, 23, 20 @ 9-10
Cost - $60 (2 x sessions)
Dates: Tues 18 & 25 March. Please see website for times. No Payment is required at this time, but once you are registered you are on the hook for payment unless we can find a replacement on the waitlist. You will receive an email next week with payment instructions.