Flyers Season is taking off, News (Frontenac Minor Hockey)

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Sep 25, 2018 | Liz Bigelow | 1339 views
Flyers Season is taking off
With Flyers Rep already underway and ICHL beginning this weekend here a few more points you should be aware of

EVALUATIONS - Reminder - ICHL Evaluations take place next Friday Sept 28th and Saturday Sept 29th. Followed by inter-squad scrimmages beginning the first week of October. Please check our website Calendar for your designated evaluation times and arrive early and ready to play hockey!!

CLINICS - The Conditioning Clinics are sold out. However, a few spots remain in the Power Skating/Puck Handling Clinics if you are interested register now by emailing [email protected] and/or check out more details about our Clinics out on our website. Registering is easy but You MUST be paid and registered to attend these clinics.

PICTURES - Individual and team photos will take place during regularly scheduled practice times beginning the week of October 23. Attached is an Order Form, please bring completed order form and payment to your scheduled photo time. All time slots for pictures can also be found on our website calendar

FLYERS GEAR - Attached is this years ICHL Flyers Gear Order Form. Sizing and samples from PromoSmart will be available on Saturday September 29th. If you cant make it on the 29th, we are hoping to also make these items available for order through our website but if you want a jump on the gear be sure to bring your order and money on the 29th. *Please note Frontenac Hockey Association has chosen PromoSmart as our new apparel provider. Please be sure to ONLY purchase Frontenac Flyers gear through PromoSmart, as they are currently the only company to hold the rights to our logo*

PROSHOP - We are so lucky to once again have the ProShop at Frontenac Community Arena open for business. Owner Daryl Furber offers skate sharpening and a wide variety of new and used skates, equipment and hockey accessories. Be sure to connect with him on Facebook for more info.
Frontenac Hockey is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. We are happy to announce that the Community Spirit Gaming Centre now has our volunteers available to help you with your Bingo experience